In the better interest of my own sanity and the well-being of my children, I've decided that in order to better thrive, I need to sit down for awhile to read, think, and meditate {
I shared about the importance of this in yesterday's post} in the mid-afternoon. I'd love to be able to have time to do this everyday. However, I live in a reality of laundry, chores, feeding my family, etc., so to take time
everyday for this probably won't happen.
Nightstand stack |
For now, I'm going to try and take at least one afternoon a week, when the younger two are napping and the older ones are playing by themselves,
to read something that will point my thoughts toward the Lord and my walk with Him.
No social media, no computer, no phone, nothing electric{okay, maybe a lamp}, just a book, a cup of coffee, and occasionally a scone {pumpkin scone recipe coming soon}.
Maybe then I'll be able to catch up on all of the books that have been collecting around my house. Between my Mom's gifting them to me, and my recent purchases, I have a few stacks.
Family Room Stack |
Would unplugging for some afternoon quiet help you to thrive?
For a list of all posts in this series go here.
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