
Friday, May 10, 2013

Sunny Day T-Shirt Dress

One of my goals this year has been to make more clothes for my girls.  I have found sewing things for my home to be much more fulfilling up to this point, as I can hide my mistakes a bit more easily and usually don't have to put zippers into my projects.

When I was contacted about reviewing a new book, Sew Pretty T-Shirt Dresses, I eagerly signed up for the opportunity to be a part of the blog tour, highlighting this new book, and featuring some of the projects inside.  I absolutely love every pattern in this book!  Each dress begins with a t-shirt and some fabric, and by the time you're finished, you have a beautiful new dress.  No zippers, no cutting out pattern pieces, and yet they still look lovely.  It's also great for little girls, because they can get dressed without help.

I've wanted the girls to have new outfits to wear when they come to the hospital to meet their new baby sister {who is due in just 8 weeks!}, so we went to Hobby Lobby the other day, and the girls helped me to pick out some pretty pink fabrics.  I decided to make the Sunny Day dress, as I loved the simplicity and the combination of several different fabrics.  The instructions were easy to follow and I didn't have to rip out any seams in the process of sewing this outfit.

If you're looking for some fun patterns to sew for your little girl, I'd highly recommend purchasing this book.  One of the other great features I like about the book is that the beginning section gives a lot of instructions on basic sewing skills, including information about how to measure for your own t-shirt dress patterns.  Many of these projects could be modified for custom work, or will just provide inspiration to create your own pattern.

Here are some images of other projects in the book:

Bubble Tee

Square Dance

It's a Wrap

Royal Wedding

Thanks, Sweet Seam Studios, for such an inspiring work!

Here's a copy of the blog tour that's going on right now.  I'd encourage you to check out these other blogs; some are even offering giveaways, so you'll want to be sure to put your name in for a chance to win a copy of this book.

May 5  

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 11

May 12

May 13

I was given a copy of the book "Sew Pretty T-Shirt Dresses" in exchange for a blog post.  All opinions are mine.  Photo images from the book, thanks to: Sew Pretty T-Shirt Dresses by Sweet Seams Studiopublished by Sixth&Spring Books. Photography by Dan Howell and dress design and instructions copyright © 2013 by Sixth&Spring Books/Soho Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Used by permission.


  1. That turned out so cute! I like the pinks you and your girls picked!

  2. What a wonderful idea! The combination of fabrics is just perfect for a little girl whose favorite color is pink. You did a great job on the dress, Lauren!

    1. She was pretty pleased to have a pink dress!

  3. Hi Lauren! I've been following your blog for a long time and I love reading each post. I wanted to say that you can totally do zippers! I sew frequently and they really aren't that bad - especially if you are sewing little girl dresses where the zipper is only 6 inches long or so. (We have three girls and a boy too)! There are lots of great tutorials on youtube that might be helpful. Once you get the hang of it, they only take minutes. If you can sew all of the great things I see on your blog, you can definitely do a zipper! Give it a try! They are so much easier than buttons and buttonholes!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I do attempt zippers from time to time but I hate them! I can never get them right! I'll keep trying :)

  4. Hi Lauren! What a totally gorgeous dress! I spend some time looking around your blog and I must say that you have a beautiful family and your little Mason is an absolutely gorgeous little boy! I love all of your recipes and I have pinned some to try! Wishing you a lovely weekend and Happy Mother's Day! Angie xo

    1. Thanks, Angie! I appreciate your sweet comments.

  5. Wow, I LOVE the dress! You did a great job! Sooo very sweet!!


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