
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sophisticated Desk Makeover for the Foyer

Shortly after we moved into our house, over 2 years ago, we purchased a wooden desk that has been in our foyer ever since.  I bought it knowing that it would need a makeover at some point, but I couldn't make up my mind how to fix it.  I thought about trying chalk paint, and then even milk paint.  But, after much deliberation, I decided to sell it.

I decided to sell it while I was out of town, and my husband had no idea that is what I was thinking.  He had other plans.  Great plans, actually.  When I opened the door after being gone for 2 weeks, the first thing I saw was a gorgeous desk gracing my foyer.

He had settled the two-year battle in my mind by deciding on a white base with a wooden top.  He even picked out the hardware and chose quite well.

The finish is wonderful, and I really never would have picked it on my own!  I love how it looks now and it's just waiting a new lamp and a plant stand for my little ivy that I purchased last week.  Until I can find just what I want {if I waited two years to re-do the desk, I think a few weeks to find the right lamp is okay}, we've placed a burlap runner and a little jar full of flowers that my girls picked from the yard.

Want to see a before?

This was a sad piece of furniture, but it had a great deal of potential.

With a little bit of time, some paint, sanding, and stain, it's become quite the sophisticated desk for our foyer.

I learned from this little desk that it's better to wait on finishing something than to re-do it following a trend, only to change your mind later.  I'm so glad I didn't paint this desk bright green like I had originally planned!  Instead of trendy and giving a pop of color {which is fine} I now have a timeless piece of furniture that could go anywhere in our home.

We purchased the hardware for this desk from, which sells all kinds of things, but they have really great prices on cabinet and drawer pulls.  Comparable pulls at Lowe's were twice as expensive as the ones we purchased.  

Linking to:

Inspire Me Please Blog Hop

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. oh my goodness this looks amazing!!! It doesn't even look like the same piece of furniture! Way to go, B!!

    1. Thanks, Sherri! I agree, B did a wonderful job!

  2. Your desk looks beautiful! What a great job, Bradley, both on refinishing the furniture, and on surprising Lauren with it :) Can't wait to see it in see all of YOU in person!

  3. So what type of paint did he use? Did he sand the whole desk or just the top. I have an old desk similar to yours. It was my grandmothers and I've had it for a year. I'd like to paint it but not sure how.

    1. He completely sanded the top of the desk in order to stain it. The sides and front he lightly sanded, then used two coats of Kilz oil based primer, and one coat of latex paint. Hope that helps!

  4. How sweet that your husband did that for you! It looks great, and you're right, white is timeless!

  5. WOW WOW WOW!!!!

    You did a fabulous job! I agree, white is timeless. Saw your link over on Miss Mustard Seed.

    Marilyn C.

    1. Thanks for coming by; I'm so thankful for a husband who finishes projects for me :)

  6. Just perfect! He did good!
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
    xo Liz

  7. great makeover , i love the new look, i would love to feature it, if that would be ok let me know,

    1. That would totally be okay with me. Thanks, Lauren!

  8. I can'r believe that is the same desk! It is so beautiful! If you get a chance, please share this on my linky party:

    1. Thanks for your comment! I will link it up--thanks for letting me know about it.

  9. WOW, I cannot believe how transformed it is! It looks incredible! Bradly did an awesome job! Amazing!!


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