
Monday, May 13, 2013

Snippets from Our Weekend

This past weekend was the first weekend we had as a family, in a long time, without anything to do.  And by anything, I mean no commitments, no social activities, no responsibilities other than whatever we wanted to do with our time.  It was wonderful!

I tried to capture some of our moments because I thoroughly enjoyed everything that we did.  The weather was gorgeous, the kids had fun playing together, and we even tackled some projects around the house.

While perusing the garden, I discovered quite a few English peas that were ready.  It was fun to snap them and I'm hoping to use the few we got in something for dinner this week.

A snapping turtle was crossing the street, so Bradley scooped it up with a shovel and bucket for the kids to observe in our front yard.  This guy smelled something horrible, and was pretty angry to have been taken from the street.  The girls kept an appropriate distance.

If you didn't know, there is an awesome new cookbook out, just released last week, Bakeless Sweets.  The author, Faith Durand, is married to my brother-in-law's brother, and I enjoy following her accomplishments, via the Kitchn   My copy arrived on Friday, and I loved reading through this! I can't wait to make some of her recipes!  You can purchase it here, if you're looking for some fun new recipes for dessert.

The kids' bathroom upstairs is getting a new look.  We had a yard sale a few weeks ago, and some of the proceeds are going to a few projects around the house.  Bradley is installing the beadboard, and then I'll be painting it sometime later this week.

I shared with you last week the desk that Bradley refinished for me.  Well, I happen to be the recipient of an unplanned dining room table re-do.  While we were growing the seeds for our garden in the dining room, the table got some water stains on it {we thought the tablecloth was waterproof, but it was not}.  So, now my dining room table will receive the same look as the foyer desk.

I tried a new broccoli salad recipe and it was delicious.  Recipe coming soon...

Mother's Day was relaxing, complete with naps all around {except for this little girl who was entertained by her Daddy while I rested}.

And, lastly, yesterday marked 32 weeks of pregnancy {or 34 based on some calculations}.  I'm trying to stick with the later due date so that I don't get discouraged, but then when I look at my stomach, and other peoples' faces when they see my stomach, I like to think I'm at the 34 week mark.  Either way, this baby is coming fairly soon and we can't wait to meet her!

So, that was our weekend, what did you do?

Linking up with:



  1. Those weekends are the best! And love your belly shot! Happy belated Mother's Day!

  2. Thanks for linking up, Lauren!!!! Beautiful weekend!

    1. Thanks for hosting :) I'm glad I found your blog again--I LOVE it!

  3. We went to a friend's wedding in Germany and were able to spend some days with my family. So we had a babysitter and could enjoy the reception part of the wedding baby free! :) Sunday was church, naps and loving on my mama :)

    1. So glad you could visit your family! I'm sure your Mom was thrilled to have you there for Mother's Day.

  4. Found your blog via the link up! Love all the black and white photos. That first one of the peas is great, I love little details like that. And good luck with the baby, she looks like she is ready any time! Happy Mother's day to you!

  5. you totally have the basketball under the shirt thing going on! i think you look great! :)

  6. I'm glad you guys had a great weekend at HOME! And you look so fabulous! I can't wait until that little girl gets here! Hope you are able to work on your list of projects this week!

  7. Love your belly! =) Can't wait to meet her!

    1. Thanks! Can't wait for you to meet her too, and to see all of you!!


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