
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 22 :: Praise for 30 days with me?

My mom has become, in the past few years, a great giver of books.  She reads a book, and if it's good, she sends a copy to me and my sisters.   It's gotten now, to where she hears of a good book, she will buy it and give it to us.  There's even one book that she ordered an entire case of with the intention of handing it out to people that might benefit from it.  We sometimes tease her about this, but really, I love that she is so interested in the spiritual growth of others that she's willing to invest in people in this way.

During my parents' visit last weekend, my mom handed Bradley and me a new pile of books.  One is a book she's been reading through and is really enjoying.  You may have noticed it in one of my stacks of books from yesterday's post.

The 30 Day Praise Challenge contains daily topics of praise, twenty minutes a day, for 30 days.  

I thought this would be an appropriate way to follow up on my 31 Days to Thrive.

During the month of November {which has 30 days}, I'm going to be reading through this book, and I'd love for you to join me!  Each Tuesday, during November I'll post some of my thoughts about the book, and you all can chime in with your own in the comments.  

I wanted to share this with you now, so that you'd have time to order a book, if you're interested in taking this challenge with me.  

Here's what Linda Dillow, author of Calm My Anxious Heart, has to say about this book:

"Whether you are facing cancer, don't have a job, are on a pain-filled healing journey, or are just stuck in a rut that makes life seem unbearable, Becky says you can praise your way out.  It's true; I've watched Becky do just that! And the 30-day praise challenge declares that you can discover your way out of pain and panic through praise!  So take the challenge.  You'll be glad you did!"  - foreword the 30 Day Praise Challenge-

I can only imagine that by having a heart of praise, my ability to thrive in the day-to-day as well as the greater challenges of life will grow.  

Will you join me?

For a list of all posts in this series go here.

You can order a copy of this book by clicking on the image below.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this photo of your precious children with your parents! I bet they are amazing grandparents! I have such wonderful memories of your mom and dad, and you as a young girl in Blytheville, AR. The Lord was so good to us then! It would be a wonderful gift to have a LONG visit with your parents! My heart misses them!


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