
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dining Room Lighting

Believe it or not, my dining room chairs are almost done.  I thought the day would never come, but I think tomorrow the slipcovers will be finished!  

Now that I have paint on the walls and the chairs are almost done, I've moved onto some of the other elements in the room.  I wasn't planning to change the chandelier right now, simply because of how expensive it would be to get what I really wanted.  The light fixture is brand new, it came with the house, but I've always felt like it was lacking something, sort of naked, you could say.  

Current light fixture
It needs a little dressing up, and I've always liked the shades that I've seen online, but the ones I like run around $20 a piece, which would mean I'd spend $100 on 'fixing' my chandelier.  There's no way I'm going to do that to a brand new fixture, so guess what?  I was in Goodwill yesterday and found 6 of the same lamp shades, just the size that I need for this fixture!  At $1.01 a piece (why do they add 1 cent to everything??), I couldn't resist!

However, they also need a bit of dressing up.  Here's what I'm considering:

This would add a new element of texture to the room, but I'm not exactly sure how to recreate it:
via Ballard Designs
This would be simple, and I think I might have some linen on hand.
via Ballard Designs
Same as above just with a contrast trim.
via Ballard Designs

I like the classic, clean look of these
via Pottery Barn

Another option for some added texture.

via Pottery Barn
Could burlap not be an option? I know I have enough and I even have some burlap trim that I picked up at a fabric warehouse in Pennsylvania last month. Hmmm...
via Pottery Barn
Which one would you choose?


  1. I like either of the ones from Ballard Design. What a perfect purchase you made for what you're looking for....the Lord provides!!

  2. I definitely like the burlap but also the classic clean look too!

  3. I love the linen one from Pottery Barn! I like clean and classic, but maybe with a contrasting color. How fun that you found the shades at Goodwill!!

  4. I like the linen ones from ballard designs. Can't wait to see the finished look!

  5. Great find! I have a similar "naked" chandelier in our dining room. I love the burlap, always. I used RIT dye to dye a lampshade yesterday. I'll post about it soon. Still trying to decide if I like it?! :)

    Hope you'll stop by and enter my Home Goods GC giveaway.

  6. I love the woven texture of the first one, but I'm with ya on not knowing how exactly you'd recreate it. I do like the classic lined one, but I have to say that I think I love the burlap.

  7. I like the one from Pottery Barn the most but the burlap is a close second!

  8. Where did you buy the original chandelier?? I love it!!! please email me!


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