
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our Trip to San Diego

Is it really almost September?  I can't believe how fast this summer has gone. School is back in session, the days are getting shorter and as we turn the calendar over to another month tomorrow, I can't help but get a little bit excited about fall.  However, summer isn't officially over for me until our week at the beach is over at the end of September.

Bradley and I took a trip to San Diego last week and had a wonderful time.  We were stationed there during Bradley's first days in the Navy and loved living there.  We attended the wedding of a friend, one of Bradley's buddies from his first days in the Navy.  Some of our best friends also live there, so we were able to stay with them and enjoy a few days together.  They graciously took time off from their busy jobs to have some fun with us.  Since Mason and Jennavieve are still young enough to fly for free, we took them with us and left the older two girls with my parents.  Enjoy a little re-cap of our trip!  And, if you've never been to San Diego:  GO.

We enjoyed watching the Shamu show.  A baby whale was born last February, and we were able to see the whole family in performance.

I hate roller coasters.  Really, they terrify me, and Bradley had  never experienced one with me.  He coerced me into riding this one with him, convincing me that it was tame, no big deal, and I would love it.  I really thought that it was just one drop down into the water.  Oh, no, there was more.  I screamed the entire time, Bradley laughed hysterically the entire time and said that it made his whole trip.  Oh, the things we do for love...

Here's a picture of the whole ride.  I'm sure to some of you this looks like nothing, but anything that goes down and whips around is not fun to me.

Because we just had the younger two children, we were able to devote more time to Mason.  Mason adores his Daddy!  He's going to be in for a shock when Bradley goes back to work next week.

The weather and scenery in San Diego is spectacular!  This picture was taken at a park in Del Mar, which overlooks the ocean.  It was one of our favorite spots when we lived there.

We didn't brave the water, but Mason did enjoy playing in the sand for a bit one day.  I think he's going to enjoy being at the beach in a few weeks.

Not the greatest picture of her, but proof that Jennavieve was on our trip!

Last but not least, a picture of the Hotel del Coronado.  One day I'd love to stay there, but for now I just enjoy walking along the path in front and admiring the building and grounds.  We relived some special memories on Coronado our last day there, and decided if we ever get stationed in San Diego again, we'd be pretty excited.

I've taken a little break from blogging this summer, but I hope to be back in regular blogging mode next week.  Have a great weekend!